In Egypt, residential, commercial, and public buildings account for almost 50 per cent of total electricity consumption, with governmental buildings consuming almost 5%. Net oil imports and rising government subsidies for energy are a growing burden on the public budget. At the same time, electricity consumption is forecast to increase, resulting in power shortages and a need for investments in new power generation capacities to meet these challenges, the Egyptian Government has taken some initial steps and is, for example, now using energy-saving light bulbs. The Energy Efficiency Unit was also established to work on further measures.
Projects, Initiatives and Programs are on the way to develop the future of Energy in Egypt:
150$ billion worth of new cities and projects in Egypt in the next 10 years
50$ billion investment into the infrastructure
Implementing the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP)
Promoting and Implementing more than 691 eco-friendly projects
EUR 450 million funds for The Electricity and Green Growth Support Program (EGGSP)
Tabreed investing $83 million for a District Cooling to Egypt’s New Healthcare City
US$ 25 million loan to National Bank of Kuwait Egypt to fund green energy projects
Projects to support Egyptian small and medium size enterprises and households
EU grants as well as Green Climate Fund co-financing 15 per cent of total loan amount
EBRD to lend up to US$ 4.8 million to Intro Sustainable Resources and Intro Solar S.A.E.
Egypt approves contract with Siemens for energy efficiency enhancement